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Aqualodge: unusual lodges on the water in Belgium!

Aqualodge - Mettet - Ermeton - sur -Biert - Belgique - Belgium - Lodge - Chalet - Cottage - Bois - Wood - Sur - Eau - Pilotis - On - Water - Stilts - Reflet - Reflect - Reflection - Ciel - Sky - Bleu - Blue - Arbre - Tree - Vert - Green - Automne - Autumn - Wallonie - Wallonia - Promenade - Walk - Week end - Romantique - Romantic - Insolite - Unusual - Terrasse - Terrace - Deck - Soleil - Sun - Banc - Bench - Solara - Blog

If you are looking for an unusual, relaxing weekend in Belgium, then this address might interest you! Indeed, Aqualodge offers cottages on the water in the south of Belgium, near Maredsous and the French border, for a stay where the only thing to do is to enjoy...



  1. Eight unique lodges on the water

  2. The interior space of the lodges

  3. The meals and other services offered

  4. The bucolic location of Aqualodge in the heart of a succession of ponds


1. Eight unique lodges on the water

One sunny weekend in November, my husband and I decided to spend a weekend, both natural and comfortable, in a cottage on stilts in the south of Belgium. The arrival on the place gives an instant change of scenery when we see the eight wooden chalets on the water. We have only one desire: to take refuge there to savor each moment! The reception is pleasant and attentive and a parking lot is available.

We were in the lodge called "The Murmuring of the Crayfish". Indeed, each lodge is unique and has a name related to water and nature. Thus, the other lodges are called for example "The Dream of the Ponds", "The Dream of the Water Lily" or "The Thrill of Water"... So many invitations to dream and disconnect!


2. The interior space of the lodges

It is important to know that each lodge is designed for two people. It has a terrace on the water with a table, two chairs, but also deck chairs to enjoy. On this subject, the lodges are far enough from each other not to have a feeling of opposite or promiscuity.

Then, all the lodges have a wood stove and a window on the floor to watch the fish of the pond (fish farm) passing under your feet. In November, we spent the evening by the fire, it was extremely cosy and we were not cold at all, wood for the stove being provided in abundance and an electric heater Dyson being also provided if the need is felt. We feel in our little cocoon and we lose very quickly any notion of time!

The double beds are very comfortable, wide and thick. Moreover, some lodges have a magnificent wooden bathtub, which was our case, an additional asset to relax completely.


3. The meals and other services offered

Concerning the meals, you can reserve in advance your dinner, as well as your breakfast, to be able to enjoy them directly in your lodge. Concerning the dinner "The Fireflies' Feast", it will be already in your lodge and is composed by person of three different salted preparations, cold and hot, but also of three small desserts. This way you can enjoy a delicious meal whenever you want and at your own pace. As for breakfast, it will be discreetly deposited in a basket in the morning by the pass-through near the entrance door of your lodge. Note that you have the choice between two types of breakfast: the "Prince of the Pond", which we chose, already very complete, of quality and sweet/salty, but you can also treat yourself with the "Queen Dragonfly", containing in addition eggs, bacon, smoothies and even champagne! Everything is done so you can just enjoy the place. On site, you have a kitchenette with sink, mini-fridge, microwave, kettle and coffee maker.

We did not test them, but other services are also available if you book in advance: have an aperitif basket with local products (beer and cheese) in your lodge, enjoy a massage in your chalet or have your lodge decorated with rose petals and a bottle of champagne... You can also reserve a bicycle, electric or not, if you wish.


4. The bucolic location of Aqualodge in the heart of a succession of ponds

Aqualodge - Mettet - Ermeton - sur - Biert - Belgique - Belgium - Lodge - Chalet - Cottage - Bois - Wood - Sur - Eau - Pilotis - On - Water - Stilts - Reflet - Reflect - Reflection - Ciel - Sky - Bleu - Blue - Arbre - Tree - Vert - Green - Automne - Autumn - Wallonie - Wallonia - Promenade - Walk - Week end - Romantique - Romantic - Insolite - Unusual - Soleil - Sun - Soir - Evening - Coucher - de - Sunset - Rose - Pink - Herbe - Grass - Etang - Poisson - Fish - Pond - Aquaculture - Farming - Chemin - Path - Solara - Blog

Aqualodge is located on a site where there is a succession of about thirty ponds, in the middle of the countryside. The place is therefore very pleasant for a bucolic walk along these ponds!

Finally, Aqualodge offers a last unusual accommodation named "La RouLodge du Veilleur". It is a trailer for two people with a shower, a wood stove, a terrace and a nice view!

Reservations can be made directly on their website. Do not hesitate to follow Aqualodge on Facebook and Instagram. Indeed, last minute cancellations are sometimes announced there...

So, when are you going?


=> I hope this article has helped you in the preparation of your stay and, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate, I'll be happy to get back to you!


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